Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Greg Minnaar/Mongoose DH Series #4 - Rico Racing Track 22 May 2011

After helping put the Rico Racing track together some weekends before, I was really keen to race this fun track. The weather was good, the bike was perfect, and now it was up to me to get the result. The shuttle to the top of the track was very short, so I had put in enough runs to know the track well.

I did a few practice runs on race day and was feeling confident. I sat under the trees at the bottom, refuelled my body and had a couple of good laughs, as we always do, and then headed up to the top of the track.

My first race run went well, and I had no serious problems, except for one error coming out of a corner which might have cost me a second or two. As I neared the bottom half of the track, the amount of spectators increased and there was a really cool vibe at the end. I had a good, solid time which put me into 3rd Junior after the first runs.

After a short break it was time for the second race run. I really thought I could improve my time on the track, and I seemed to be going much faster on the top section. I obviously was pushing too hard, because after the top road gap there is a step down into a berm, and I came in too hot to make the berm, and overshot it. I was really lucky to stay on the bike and I managed to roll back onto the track, and try to get back onto the gas. After a mistake like that I knew my time would be slower, but to add to that, my feet blew off the pedals on the last corner. I then rode the last rock garden with my feet unclipped and no momentum at all. My first time was faster, and so it stood.

My teammate Kyle Davids then narrowly beat my time and I moved down a spot. I finished 4th Junior and 6th Overall. I was very pleased with my result. 4 out of the top 6 riders overall were juniors, so it shows just how competitive the age group is!

I can't thank Andre from Rush Sports enough for all the help with the mechanical that I had over the weekend. My Morewood felt so good on the track, and I loved every second riding it. Big thanks to the race organisers for putting on a really great event.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

SA National #2 - Port Elizabeth - 8 May 2011

The second round of the National series was held about 70 km outside PE. The drive was extremely long, and I was so disappointed when we were told on the morning of the race, that due to the medics having trouble accessing certain areas of the track, the race would have to be cancelled. Fridays practise was wet, and Saturdays practise was very wet. The rain poured down down almost every night. The track was relatively flat at the top, with a few steeper, off-camber corners nearer the bottom. There were small jumps, with a tricky rock drop right at the bottom. The bike handled the wet conditions really well, and I can`t fault it. Very disappointed with the weather, and the fact that we spent so many hours in the car with no race results to show for it.

UCI World Cup Round 1 - Peitermaritzburg 22 April 2011

The UCI MTB World Cup had finally arrived, and with it, an excitement I had never had before. This was my first experience at riding in an international event alongside some of my heros of the sport. The weather had been looking good the whole week and was no different on the weekend. The sun was shining, and the track was dry. The course walk on Wednesday went well, and I managed to find a few good lines.

Thursdays practice started off rather early for me, because the top 80 had timed practice runs in the afternoon, so I did as much riding as I could in the morning. I had a few good runs, and I was feeling  rather good on the track. The Morewood Kalula was abolutely perfect, and it felt so good! I went home that evening, and prepared myself for Qualifiers the next day.

Friday morning  couldn`t have come sooner. I managed to get one or two runs in, just to see what the course was looking like. Everything seemed to be the same, I felt good and I refuelled myself. The shuttle ride to the top felt so long. The sound of stationary trainers, as riders warmed up, was all over. I waited until about 15 minutes until my run to start my warm up.

My run started off well, and I was feeling good on the top section. I started to feel tired just before the peadally section. The timing couldn`t have been worse! I pushed down on my pedals as hard as I could, and as I entered the lower section of the track I was battling to hold on. I crossed the finishing line, not knowing whether my time would be in the top 80, resulting in me qualifying. Unfortunately I didn`t have a good enough run, and my qualies time put me in 94th.

I obviously would have loved to race in the final on Sunday, but I am just so thankful to CSA for giving me the oppotunity to partake in the event. It was such an amazing experience. Big thanks to Andre for all the help with the bike.