The slow rock gardens, and super tights turns took a little bit of time to get adjusted to. Over the past few weeks I had ridden Val di Sole, Leogang, and then Schladming in between, so as you can imagine, my bike wasn't quite set up for Spicak. From the word go, I battled to find flow on the track, and I struggled to find a setup that I felt really comfortable on. The rocks were a bit slippery during Saturdays practice, but some mid day showers made it very slippery and wet for seeding runs that afternoon. My seeding wasn't great and I knew that I would have to improve come race run. I seeded 62nd.
The next day the sun was out but heavy rain during the night made the first few runs of the day super slippery and sketchy. I looked for new lines and for places where I could make up some time. Things just weren't going my way, and I hurt my braking finger after I crashed trying to avoid another fallen rider in front of me. By the time race runs came, the track was a lot drier and so the cut spike I had on the front wasn't necessary. I felt better in my race run than I did in seeding, but it was still far from a good run. I finished up 72nd, far from where I wanted to be, but it was just one of those weekends I guess. I am really looking forward to some downtime here in Schladming after 6 weekends of consecutive racing.
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